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GCM Self-Discovery

GCM is a God-Consciousness Movement. Discover yourself, others, and the world.

You can discover your mental and spiritual potential as you join the movement to change the Earth's atmosphere into a spiritual haven. A Heaven here on Earth.


About GCM


The God-Consciousness Movement is about God’s Spirit moving and hovering over the planet Earth. His movements keep us moving toward spirituality and protect us from ourselves. His hovering keeps our consciousness aware of our Oneness in Him, a reminder that He is our life source. The movement is God’s presence on Earth. GCM is about a spiritual pulsation of intimacy from the heart of God toward His precious SEED. It is about His verbal and non-vocal 24/7 communication with us.

GCM is about God longing to have intimacy with us and to be loved by His Beloved, us. The Movement is about man’s awareness of God’s vulnerability because of His great love for man. God is also a covenant keeper.

God is a faithful covenant keeping God. His jealousy sustains us spiritually. He is our spiritual incubator. He keeps us regardless of ourselves. God is determined to keep us alive spiritually. There is no giving up on us. God protects us from ourselves as well as from others who oppose us. God’s jealousy keeps Him loving you. There will be a day soon when you will love God with a godly jealousy because Spirit calls unto spirit. Here again is another  GCM  moment. Always a movement and always a moment of breathing Life into everything everywhere.


Your Spiritual Benefits


Introduction to the Kingdom of Heaven

Self-discovering the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth starts with the Word of God, unfolding truths about who God is, His nature, and how you reunite in His Oneness for your life, future success, and joy.  Now, is the time to awaken spiritually and activate God's nature within you furthermore, create your kingdom life by the Word and Spirit of God as you learn and apply hidden Biblical principles to live out your citizenship in Heaven on Earth.


Self-Discover the Holistic You​​​

As you self-discover your spiritual identity, you become your true self, the person you were to be. Furthermore, the person you are becoming now. Follow God's master blueprint it is tailored for you by your Father. You are trained to take control and to master your mind, body, and soul. As the Father, Son, and Spirit gracefully flow in Oneness within you. You grow in intimacy as you experience God's encounters and many graces. God's Oneness is ultimately the source of all your joy.


 Citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven

Self-discovering your citizenship firstly, as a child of God, secondly, as a believer, and thirdly, as a son of God is spiritual. Spiritual knowledge opens your spiritual eye to see what has been invisible on the Earth for over 2,000 years. Jesus paid your debt and obtained your citizenship in the spiritual realm during His last three days on Earth. Now you! as an extension of all that Jesus is can physically manifest God's nature from within you as a Kingdom citizen by colonizing the Earth with the glory that has been given you. Thanks to your Lordship, Jesus Christ.


GCM Self-discovering God with The Word of  God

Trusting God is a lifelong journey. Don’t travel alone.

All My Stories




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The God-Consciousness Movement of 2020

A Royal Family Blueprint


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